Tuesday, January 27, 2009


8 1/2 months.....my, where has the time gone? Crawling, pulling up & standing, running rampant in his walker...these are all part of Carter's daily routine! What was my life like before this little guy consumed every minute of my day? I just can't seem to remember! The joy, laughter and love that he has brought to our family is irreplaceable, and I can't begin to imagine living without it. Lots and lots of thanks to the one above for such a healthy, happy and might I add handsome, baby boy!

A delightful breakfast for two.

Just one of the many perks of being a stay-at-home mommy!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just call me Mrs. Busy-body!

I know it's been a while since I posted anything. Even though I'm not working right now, things have been really busy! As if being a stay-at-home mom isn't enough, I am trying to get my photography business up and running. Things are going pretty good so far. My camera has arrived, and I've also already booked TWO weddings for May! YAY me! I also have booked 3 children's sessions as well. Right now I'm working on my price list...everyone is so competitive!

I'm looking forward to this weekend. Mom, Aunt Betty, Carter and I are traveling north to visit with some much loved folks!! I'm in desperate need of some Mamaw Jan lovin'!

Hope everyone is doing well. Don't let the cold weather get you down! Spring will be here before we know it!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I just can't get enough....

....of this handsome little boy!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


It is now a new year, and with the new year I need new resolutions. To be honest, this is the first year I've ever done them. In the past I thought they were a waste of time, because everyone you talk to never keeps them. However, I decided to try it out myself. Nothing over the top, though....I want to be able to achieve them.

1.) Get out of debt, and stay that way -- Although Greg and I are doing fine, I personally have some things that I would like to get caught up on. I really need to learn to control my money, and there is no better time than the present.

2.) Write in my journal more often -- I would say "write in my journal every day", but I know I would be setting myself up for failure. There are just some days when it doesn't get done.

3.) Cook more -- Although I love to cook and eat as a family, little as mine may be, I tend to catch myself throwing pizzas in the oven too often here lately. Now that Carter is getting to the age to sit at the table with us, I want to have at least 3 home-cooked meals a week.

Well, that's all for now. As small as my resolutions may seem, they are still going to take committment. Stay tuned to see how I do throughout the year!

Wishing everyone a safe, happy & healthy 2009! And may you all be able to keep your resolutions!!
