Saturday, January 3, 2009


It is now a new year, and with the new year I need new resolutions. To be honest, this is the first year I've ever done them. In the past I thought they were a waste of time, because everyone you talk to never keeps them. However, I decided to try it out myself. Nothing over the top, though....I want to be able to achieve them.

1.) Get out of debt, and stay that way -- Although Greg and I are doing fine, I personally have some things that I would like to get caught up on. I really need to learn to control my money, and there is no better time than the present.

2.) Write in my journal more often -- I would say "write in my journal every day", but I know I would be setting myself up for failure. There are just some days when it doesn't get done.

3.) Cook more -- Although I love to cook and eat as a family, little as mine may be, I tend to catch myself throwing pizzas in the oven too often here lately. Now that Carter is getting to the age to sit at the table with us, I want to have at least 3 home-cooked meals a week.

Well, that's all for now. As small as my resolutions may seem, they are still going to take committment. Stay tuned to see how I do throughout the year!

Wishing everyone a safe, happy & healthy 2009! And may you all be able to keep your resolutions!!


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