Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's October already???

Happy October everyone!!! Soon it will be time for carving pumpkins & trick-or-treating! Can you believe it? This year has flown seems like only yesterday I found out I was pregnant, and now Carter is 4 1/2 months old! Where does the time go? This will be Carter's first Halloween. I still don't know what I want him to be. Any ideas? I'm really excited to take him trick-or-treating. I know he's not really old enough to enjoy it, but I'm sure I will. We may be going with Tenille Ingram and her little girl, Reece. That should be fun!! Well, I better go...I need to get ready for school. Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Julia Christopher Photography said...

a caterpillar, or a green bean, or a pea pod, maybe a tootsie roll... the possibilities are endless.... how fun!!!!