Thursday, February 5, 2009

what day is it again???

2 mean it's actually been almost that long since I last posted?!?! Time goes by so quickly, and as a stay-at-home mom, I can never keep up with the days. What is today anyway? Wednesday? No,'s Thursday.
So, my latest project is to get my salon up and running...again. This time I MEAN IT!! I am in the process of finding a babysitter for Carter, in the process of advertising, in the process of cleaning name it, I'm doing it. I just figured "I went to school for 2 1/2 years, I have all the resources...what the hey, why not!". I must also admit that the $$$$$ is really good, too....better than nursing if I get a clientele built up and stay busy. Plus, the hours are much more flexible, and I'll still be able to spend plenty of time with Carter. AND...what's not to like about being my own boss?? That's a luxury that most people would kill for!!
If you find that it's another two weeks before I post again, hopefully it's because I can't put down my shears long enough to pick up a computer! Wish me luck....and if you need a trim, color, shampoo...COME SEE ME!!!

Studio 56
472 South Main Street
Morgantown, KY 42261
(270) 999-2723

1 comment:

Ashley Bridges said...

I wish I knew this I just sent Chad on a wild goose chase to find someone to cut Peytons hair I will have to come to you next time